

Non-discrimination Policy

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or family status.

Pet Policy

We try to accommodate animal lovers as we really enjoy having animals ourselves, and many people are interested in having a pet. Animals have been employed by people for thousands of years for many practical reasons; farm work or hunting, and recently for companionship. However, some people buy a cute puppy or kitten and realize too late they have no time for their pet.

Pets take time and commitment including vaccinations, flea control, proper feedings and exercise and clean up. They can also be destructive and noisy, causing disturbances, if lonely or lack proper exercise. If you are interested having a pet, please discuss it with us and we will try to accommodate your pet. They must be current on their shots, their license and flea control. They must also be kennel trained.


Occasionally your home will need some repair. We encourage you to tell us whenever you have a problem. We will repair it in just a few days, unless we have to schedule and outside repair person or order parts. We will try to schedule at your convenience.

Showing the Property

Other times, we may need to show it as well for insurance purposes, to refinance or in the event we decide to sell the property or when you decide to leave. It is not necessary for you to be at home for us to enter your unit when doing repairs or showing it. We will give you a 24 hr. notice to enter and you may be there if you would like.

Oregon State Law Regarding Entering Property

The following is a description of Oregon State Law regarding entrance in your home, if necessary. Please review it if you have any questions or concerns.
ORS 90.322 (1) sec(c) If the tenant requests repairs or maintenance in writing, the landlord or landlord’s agent, without further notice, may enter upon demand, in the tenant’s absence or without the tenant’s consent, for the purpose of making the requested repairs until the repairs are completed. The tenant’s written request may specify allowable times. Otherwise, the entry must be a reasonable time. The authorization to enter provided by the tenants written request expires after seven days, unless the repairs are in progress and the landlord or landlord’s agent is making a reasonable effort to complete the repairs in a timely manner. If the person entering to do the repairs is not the landlord, upon request of the tenant, the person must show the tenant written evidence from the landlord authorizing that person to act for the landlord in making the repairs.

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RFT Properties

RFT Properties has a number of units in two popular cities in Yamhill County, just a short 30-45 minute drive from Portland. Yamhill County is known for its numerous and excellent wines. There are many exciting events in Yamhill County such as the Turkey Rama, the Alien Festival, Yamhill County Fair, and the Daffodil Festival in the spring and summer and Pumpkin Patches in the fall as well,